Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Creating WebQuests: Hyperdocs for Guided Independent Language Learning

WebQuests are an eResource teaching approach that helps teachers balance the need to:
1. guide students learning;  and 2. give adequate opportunity for independence. WebQuests are an eLearning pedagogy that can be adapted to Traditional Teaching, the Flipped Classroom, a Task-based Approach, Project Learning and other teaching and learning approaches.

Here is a presentation to help you create your own WebQuest. There are links to many useful WebQuest websites on the last slide. Please explore them. To get started, click on the link: Introduction to WebQuests 

Create a WebQuest for your Group Unit Plan (GUP) to share with your classmates during the presentation. It is recommended that you use either PowerPoint or Google Sites to format your WebQuest. You may also create a WebQuest website if you like. Adapt the topic, tasks, objectives and language level to the grade level(s) of your unit plan. Be sure to integrate all the components of a WebQuest:

1. Introduction to the task
2. Interesting and manageable tasks that requires students to find, use and transform information
3. Clear instructions on what kind of information to find
4. Set of information resources (links) – these are embedded in the WebQuest
5. Evaluation of the products, tasks or learning outcomes, including a self-assessment for students and assessment for teachers
6. Conclusion reminding students what they have learned

Here are a couple model WebQuests:

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