- Applied Learning (Learning by doing; practice; using English)
- Authentic Learning (real-life English)
- Blended Learning (refer to video: best of both worlds)
- Flipped Class (direct teaching at home and independent learning in class)
- Synchronous/Asynchronous Learning (at-the-same-time; not-at-the-same-time)
- Collaborative Learning/Cooperative Learning
- Independent/Self-guided Learning
- Mastery Learning (Learning divided by levels of accomplishment instead of age) (Video)
- Expert/"Sage on the Stage" (knowledge-based)
- Coach/"Guide on the Side" (skill-based)
- Monitor
- Supervisor
- Assessor
- AfL/AoL (Assessment for Learning/Assessment of Learning)
- Formative Assessment/Summative Assessment
- Self-Assessment/Peer Assessment
- Portfolio/Portfolio Assessment
Great post.
Great post.