Monday, June 10, 2019

Teacher-made and Student-made video e-Books

Teacher-made eBooks
Ms Fiona Yung, a primary English teacher, made this eBook "It's Okay to Be Different" with Adobe Spark. This is a good example of how to use eBooks in a creative way. Ms Yung inserted an original page into the book, giving a new way that "It's okay to be different" for the story. She wrote, "It's okay to eat macaroni and cheese in the bath!" And she has signed the page with her name.

This is an example to students of what they can do themselves... help write the story! The activity would have all the students read the book and write one of their own pages, including illustrating it and signing. The final eBook could be different for each student (with just each student's own "page" added), or an eBook with many - or all - of the students' pages could be created as a class-written eBook.

Two styles of Adobe Spark e-books from our class

Student-made eBooks
AdobeVoice is also an excellent tool for student-made eBooks. In this example, the teacher taught her primary students how to write a diary, using a story book (Camp Diary) as a model. She then asked them to draft their own diary entry based on a school visit to Taipo Waterfront park. After checking their drafts, students made and shared their own eBook based on their school visit to the park and pictures they took there. Here is an excellent example.


Don't forget your homework!